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Software Testing/Infra

putty 환경 설정

by 지천공 2016. 7. 10.

원문 참조 (http://hajadc.tistory.com/65)


1. 버퍼크기 설정
- Window > Lines of scrollback
- 2000 > 10000


2. 폰트설정
- Window > Appearance
- Font : Change
- Clear Type
- Gap between text and windows edge : 3


2-1. 개발자 폰트
- http://dev.naver.com/projects/nanumfont/download/note/342
- 나눔고딕 코딩글꼴 2.0 : size 14
- exe 파일 설치만 화면 완료


3. 문자인코딩
- Window > Translation
- Character set
- UTF-8


4. Copy / Paste
- Window > Selection
- Action of mouse buttons
- Windows


5. Color
- Window > Colours
- Select a colour to adjust
- Ansi blue & Ansi blue bold
- Red(140),Green(140),Blue(255)


6. 설정저장
- Session
- Default Settings 선택 후 Save

